Sirach 14 – “Happy the man whose
own soul does not accuse him, and who has never given up hope” (14:2).
I can relate to this one very deeply. I have not always been a
“believer.” Or, it’s more complicated than that – I have not always felt
comfortable with the very deep sense I always seemed to have that there was/is
a God. I’ve always had a deep intuition that there must be, but my “reason” has
not always been comfortable with that intuition. For some years I just turned my back on religion, but eventually
decided it was more “rational” for me to concede that a good deal of what I
most deeply “rested on” had to do with an acceptance of the divine, a
connection with the “cloud of witnesses” the Judeo-Christian tradition offered
me. So I again become a person of “faith” and “hope.” Can I KNOW that there
is a God? Can I KNOW that the Christian message is THE TRUTH? I cannot KNOW. But I can live by it; I
can rest comfortably in it; I can leave this life knowing that I lived well,
lived faithful to a message that raises me to life every day, every minute.
eye of the grasping man is not content with his portion, greed shrivels up the
soul” (9).
son, treat yourself as well as you can afford, and bring worthy offerings to
the Lord. . . . Do not refuse yourself the good things of today, do not let
your share of what is lawfully desired pass you by” (14:11-14).
living thing grows old like a garment, the age-old law is ‘Death must be’. Like
foliage growing on a bushy tree, some leaves falling, others growing, so are
the generations of flesh and blood: one dies, another is born” (14:17-18).
Acts 7:45-59 - He tells of the building of the Temple by Solomon, and God’s rejection of the idea of being given a home in anything man-made, but does not connect David to this. He simply repeats the passage from Isaiah (Is 66), which says, “Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool” (7:49-50) The “Most High does not dwell in houses made with human hands” (7:48).
to conclude, he calls them a “stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and
ears . . .forever opposing the Holy Spirit, just as your ancestors used to do” (7:51).
They become enraged at him.
he has a vision of God’s glory and “Jesus standing at the right hand of God,” (7:55)
which he proclaims to the people. At this they rush against him, drag him out
of the city and stone him, laying their
coats at the feet of a young man named Saul. Stephen kneels and cries out
in a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them,” and he dies (7:60).
interesting thing about Stephens’ preaching to me is his reliance upon a
narrative approach to elucidate what it is God wants the people to understand. Stephen’s
memory of the details of the story is not perfect—it is as he remembers it,
that God calls Abraham out of Mesopotamia (not Haran), that Moses is forty or
eighty or one hundred and twenty at different points along the way. He clearly
uses the numbers in a schematic kind of way, probably from an extra-biblical
tradition. This shows that it is the
community’s use of the story that counts as much as the details of the story
The points of the story that seem important to Stephen are the
continuity of God’s care for his people and work to redeem them, the tendency
of the people to reject his prophets, particularly Moses and by implication
Jesus who is for Stephen clearly the prophet God was to raise up “like Moses.”
And the particular point Stephen wants the people to hear is that the time of
the Temple is over. God does not dwell in it, but in Jesus and in the creation.
It is hard to know if the thing that makes the people murderously mad is his accusation
of their stiff-necked refusal to be led by God, his denigration of the Temple
or his claim to see Jesus at God’s right hand—I rather think it was that.
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