Joshua 6 - The city of Jericho is
under siege and the Lord instructs Joshua to have the Israelites circle the
city for six days blowing seven ram’s horns.
On each of the six days, they shall march around once with the ark in procession,
making no noise other than the blowing of the horns. On the seventh day they are to march around
seven times and then stop to raise a huge shout that will brings the walls
crashing down. The
Jerusalem Bible note says there are
two entangled traditions here, one of them bracketed in the JB text, but not in the NRSV text. One has them circling in silence and then
yelling. The other has them circling
behind the ark, blowing trumpets.
are also warned that everything in the city is “under the ban” and they are to touch nothing. Being “under the ban” means that everything
living must be put to the sword and all the wealth of the city is to belong to
the Lord. The harlot Rehab, of course,
and all those in her family inside her house, are to be escorted safely outside
the city and the camp. She lives in Israel after this. And Joshua places the destroyed city under a
curse: “Cursed before the Lord be anyone who tries to rebuild this city”
Eerdman’s Handbook suggests that the reason Jericho
is completely destroyed is that it was a kind of “first-fruits” of the conquest and therefore God’s. It also suggests that while there is, in
fact, evidence of widespread destruction in the region dated to the 13th
c. BC, there were other invaders and enemies of the local populations, among
them Egypt (Pharaoh’s governors had residences in Gaza, Megiddo and other
places were garrison towns (213). Other conquerors included the Philistines,
who took over Ashdod, Ashelon, Ekron, Gath and Gaza. These cities were all Late Bronze Age cities.
Origen (185-254 AD)
De Principiis (First
Book II - On Christ
9 - Now Origen looks at
the meaning of the words written in the Book of Wisdom where it says, “Wisdom .
. . ‘is a kind of breath of the power of
God, and the purest efflux of the glory of the Omnipotent, and the splendor
of eternal light, and the spotless mirror of the working or power of God, and
the image of His goodness.’” A modern translation of Wisdom 7:25-26 is this: “She is a breath of
God's power—a pure and radiant stream of glory from the Almighty. Nothing that
is defiled can ever steal its way into Wisdom. She is a reflection of eternal light, a
perfect mirror of God's activity and goodness.” Origen will go into each part of this in great detail – more detail
than I will.
then are the definitions which he gives of God, pointing out by each one of
them certain attributes which belong to the Wisdom of God, calling wisdom the power, and the glory, and the
everlasting light, and the working, and the goodness of God.”
power is seen in His strength; He “appoints, restrains, and governs all things
visible and invisible.”
power . . . which exists with properties of its own – a kind of breath, as
Scripture says, of the primal and unbegotten power of God, deriving from Him
its being, and never at any time non-existent.”
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