King of Hazor is killed and his large city destroyed (11:11). None of the other towns are, and all the
spoil is taken.
following disturbing passage concludes the conquest passages: “. . .all were
taken in battle. For it was the Lord’s doing to harden their
hearts so that they would come against Israel in battle, in order that they
might be utterly destroyed, and might receive no mercy, but be exterminated,
just as the Lord had commanded Moses” (11:20).
Anakim (legendary giants of the region) were defeated too, except those in
Gaza, Gath and Ashdod). Then “the land
had rest from war” (11:23).
Joshua 12 – A list of the defeated
kings and towns east and west of the Jordan River follows—31 in all.
Origen (185-254 AD)
De Principiis (First Principles)
Chapter III – On the
Holy Spirit
3 – “That all things were
created by God, and that there is no creature which exists but has derived from
Him its being, is established from many declarations of Scripture . . .”
refers to a popular early Christian piece called The Pastor of Angel of Repentance; we know it by the name The Shepherd of Hermas. The treatise was
considered “canonical” by many in the Church. It is an allegorical work. In it,
the author writes, “First of all, believe that there is one God who created and
arranged all things; who, when nothing formerly existed, caused all things to
be; who Himself contains all things, but Himself is contained by none.”
there is no specific Scriptural passage that says that the Holy Spirit was ever
“made or created” not even in the way Wisdom is said to have been “made.” “The
Spirit of God, therefore, which was borne upon the waters, as is written in the
beginning of the creation of the world, is, I am of [the] opinion, no other
than the Holy Spirit, so far as I can understand; as indeed we have shown in
our exposition of the passages themselves, not
according to the historical, but according to the spiritual method of
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