Introduction – This
prophetic work originates in the same year as Haggai – two or three months
after in 520 BC. Zechariah is a priest and a prophet, grandson of Iddo who was
head of the priestly families returning from the exile. He is writing to encourage the returning remnant to repent and renew
the relationship with Yahweh.
Zechariah 1 – “’Return
to me and I will return to you, says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.’ Don’t be
like your ancestors who would not listen or pay attention when the earlier
prophets said to them, ‘This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says: Turn
from your evil ways, and stop all your evil practices.’” (1:3)
The translation of Yahweh Sabaoth
as “Lord of Heaven’s Armies” is a more modern version of the term Lord of
Hosts. Host or Heaven’s Armies are the gathering of heavenly powers – angels –
the “hosts” of heaven.
Zechariah has a series of visions. The first comes to him in
the night. A man “sitting on a red horse that was standing among some myrtle
trees in a small valley. Behind him were riders on red, brown, and white
horses” (1:8). An angel explains to him that they patrol the earth. The angel
said to Zechariah, “I have returned to show mercy to Jerusalem . . . The towns
of Israel will again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord will again comfort
Zion and choose Jerusalem as his own.’” (1:17)
Then he see another vision – four animal horns. They
“represent the nations that scattered Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem” (1:18).
Then the Lord shows him four blacksmiths (1:20). They have come “to terrify
those nations, throw them down and destroy them” (1:21). The number four represents something that is “universal.”
Zechariah 2 – The
prophet looks again and sees a man with a measuring line. He is going to measure
Jerusalem, to see how wide and long it is (2:2). An angel tells Zechariah that
Jerusalem is to remain un-walled. Yahweh
will be her wall of fire and also her glory.
Yahweh tells the people to leave the North [Babylon] and
return to the holy city. “Sing, rejoice, daughter of Zion; for I am coming to
dwell in the middle of you . . .Many nations will join Yahweh . . .They will
become his people” (2:14-16).
From Leadings: A Catholic’s Journey Through
Quakerism -
“What Did I Say?”
Part 2
There was also another reason
why I wanted to use the Scripture “story” as my text. I had recently read a
book by a man named Stanley Hauerwas—The
Peaceable Kingdom—and I was taken by one of the ideas he introduced me to
in that work. Hauerwas proposes in this book that Christians make moral decisions not by applying abstract principles to
a situation, but by imagining themselves in the biblical narrative and making a
judgment about what kind of decision or behavior seems consistent with the
embedded principles of the people who are heroes in the narrative.
Hauerwas is a moral theologian
who teaches at Duke University, a Methodist much influenced by the outlook and
testimonies of the Reformation peace churches. His interest in what I have since learned has a name—“narrative
theology”—is directed primarily at the moral sense of direction the biblical
narrative can provide to the believer. His approach to the biblical
narrative was somewhat different from the approach early Friends had
taken—seeing the general trajectory of the Scripture story as something that
recapitulated itself in the spiritual life of the seeking person. But it seemed complementary to me and
somewhat simpler to understand. It did not involve interiorizing the story
or seeing things in terms of ministrations. Hauerwas’s point was that the
religious narrative in which our religious tradition was grounded functioned in
the same way our other narratives do—our personal family narratives, for
example, or our national narrative—to help us define who we are, what we stand
for, and how we should behave in difficult situations.
Hauerwas’s approach to the
Scripture narrative was also useful because it permitted me to be neutral with
respect to questions I could not really get into with my religiously diverse
group of students: Were the Scriptures inspired by God? Were the inerrant? Were
they authoritative? What was the correct way to interpret this passage or that?
I didn’t really need to get into any of these difficult questions. All I needed
to do was familiarize them with the narrative and let them understand how
Quakers saw it.
I had read the Bible on and off
for years and was familiar with all that Friends had said about it being a
story that replicated itself, but I have to say that I never saw how much it
does present itself as a narrative until I stared teaching it. I actually remember the first day I stood
up in class with the book and noticed out loud that the book begins at the
beginning of time and ends at the end of time, and that it thus purports to deal
with the entire history of God’s creation. It startled me that the story
presented itself as so utterly comprehensive.
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