Wisdom 18 – For the Jews, however, this
time of darkness – the three days described in Exodus 10:21-23 was a time of
light. “[F]or your holy ones all was great light” (18:1).
them God granted a “pillar of blazing fire to guide them on their unknown journey”
as the Egyptians had earlier (c.1200 BC) attempted to kill all the firstborn of
the Jews, they now suffered the loss of their firstborn in the 10th
plague. It is this horrendous plague that gets them to acknowledge that the Jews were God’s “son” (18:13). This is the only place I am aware of where the chosen people
as a body are referred to as “God’s son” – interesting!
peaceful silence lay over all, and night had run the half of her swift course, down from the heavens, from the royal
throne, leapt your all-powerful Word; into the heart of a doomed land the
stern warrior leapt. Carrying your unambiguous command like a sharp sword, he
stood, and filled the universe with death; he touched the sky, yet trod the
earth” (18:14-16). There seem a good many “types” in
this, but the writing is very dense and hard to understand easily.
Jews too “felt the touch of death” in the exodus - referring to the rebellion
of Korah, Dathan and Abiram in Nb 17: 6-15. Aaron, in his role as High Priest,
helps resolve this
Wisdom 19 – The Egyptians are further
punished for their stubbornness in going after the Jews they had freed.
“For to keep
your children from all harm, the whole creation, obedient to your commands, was
once more, and newly, fashioned in its nature. Overshadowing the camp there was the cloud,
where water had been, dry land was seen to rise, the Red Sea became an
unimpeded way, the tempestuous flood a green plain; sheltered by your hand, the
whole nation passed across, gazing at these amazing miracles” (19:6-8).
The seas became dry and birds were born from the sea
to feed them (Nb 11:31); creatures that lived on land became sea-dwellers.
Hebrews 2 – “We ought, then, to
turn our minds more attentively than
before to what we have been taught, so that we do not drift away” (2:1). Ray Brown notes
that these words indicate that Christians of the second generation had in some
ways wandered away from the key teachings of the apostles. But what teachings? That Christ was fully human as well as
God? That Christ would return again – soon – to bring about the establishment
of his kingdom? Maybe both?
The first
thing he addresses is the full humanity of Christ. The teaching of the
apostles on Jesus was that he fulfilled the prophecy of Psalm 8: “What is man
that you should spare a thought for him, the son of man that you should care
for him. For a short while you made him lower than the angels; you crowned him
with glory and splendor. You have put him in command of everything” (2:5-8,
quoting psalm 8:5-6). These words were probably originally seen as referring to
human beings generally; I still think this is what was meant. But early
Christians saw them being more appropriately applicable to Jesus, who was in
their minds fully “man” AND fully God – “in command of everything.”
And they also saw that he was “put in command of everything even though the full glory and splendor is
not yet completely visible. The world was still “hurting” during their time
[and ours too]. The visible “kingdom” had not yet come:
present, it is true, we are not able to see that everything has been put under his command” (2:8). But there is
still “glory and splendor” in Jesus because of the atonement he achieved: “he
submitted to death; by God’s grace he had to experience death for all mankind”
(2:9). It is his full humanity, the fact that “he took to himself descent from Abraham” (2:16) that made him “completely like his brothers
so that he could be a compassionate and trustworthy high priest of God’s
religion, able to atone for human sins” (2:17).
Note: After some
struggle, trying to understand what I am meant to understand in these words of
Hebrews, I turned to Thomas a Kempis and read the following – I have to admit
it seemed like God speaking to me: “ . . .when we have trouble reading a verse,
we should read the next one, then the one after that, and so on until the muddy
pool clears. If you want to satisfy your thirst for the Scriptures, forget about
scholarship. Read humbly, simply, faithfully; that’s the way they were written”
(Griffen translation of Imitation of
Christ, 11).
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