128 – “Happy are those who obey the Lord, who live
by his commands” (128:1). You will work and your needs will be met; you will be
prosperous and happy. Your wife will give you children and “your children will
be like young olive trees around your table” (128:3).
129 – “From my earliest youth my enemies have
persecuted me. Let all Israel repeat this: From my earliest youth my enemies
have persecuted me, but they have never defeated me. My back is covered with
cuts, as if a farmer had plowed long furrows. But the Lord is good; he has cut
me free from the ropes of the ungodly” (129:1-4).
“May all who hate Jerusalem “be as useless as
grass on a rooftop, turning yellow when only half grown” (129:6).
Psalm 130 – “From the depths of my despair I call to you, Lord” (130:1). Hear my cry, please. Our sins are endless but you are a forgiving God and we are in awe of you.
“I long for the Lord more than sentries long
for the dawn” (130:6). I wait in hope that the Lord will respond to my cry.
Trust in God. His love is constant.
“O Israel, hope in the Lord; for with the Lord
there is unfailing love. Is redemption overflows” (130:7).
131 – “Lord, my heart is not proud, my eyes are not
haughty. I don’t concern myself with matters too great or too awesome for me to
grasp. Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no
longer cries for its mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within
me. O Israel, put your hope in the Lord—now and always” (131:1-3). That all of
132 – “ Lord, remember David and all that he
suffered. He made a solemn promise to the Lord . . . ‘I will not go home; I
will not let myself rest. I will not let my eyes sleep nor close my eyelids in
slumber until I find a place to build a house for the Lord’” (132:1-5).
In Bethlehem they learned of the “Covenant
Box” [the Ark of the Covenant]. It was found in the “fields of Jearim.” I read that this psalm is called a “song of ascent” because
it was read or recited as people went up the hill to the Temple at Jerusalem.
It is about David’s devotion to getting the Ark installed in the Temple. Though
he himself was not permitted to build the Temple, his son Solomon fulfilled the
promise and hope of David. “The Lord has chosen Zion; he wants to make
it his home: ‘This is where I will live forever; this is where I want to rule’”
133 – “How wonderful and pleasant it is when
brothers live together in harmony! For harmony is as precious as the anointing
oil that was poured over Aaron’s head” (133:1-2). This psalm celebrates the
wonders of peace – God’s people living in eternal harmony.
134 – “Lift up holy hands in prayer, and praise the
Lord” (134:2). Very short and to the point.
28 - The
Resurrection – Instead of just having Matthews’s account, all accounts are
here set side by side. I think
Paul is the only NT writer we have who writes about the risen Jesus Christ from
his own experience. But his
credibility is so huge. He is so
convincing, so resonant even though he lived so damn long ago, that no one can
fail to be at least tempted to listen to him. In Matthew, only verses 1-8 are based on Mark. The rest is unique:
28 - The two Marys come to the tomb. There is a
great earthquake and the coming of an angel “like lightning” with “clothing. . white
as snow” to roll back the stone and sit on it. The angel is probably the same
as Mark’s “young man.” The guards are shaken with fear and were “like dead
men.” The angel tells them not to fear; he tells them Jesus “has been raised”
and has gone ahead to Galilee. They leave in fear but are overjoyed. Jesus
meets them on the way and greets them; they embrace his feet, and he tells them
again not to fear but to go tell others to go to Galilee (28:10) where they
will also see him.
The guards tell the priests and they are paid
to tell everyone that his disciples stole the body (28:14).
The disciples then go to Galilee, to the
mountain where they see and worship him, but we are also told “they doubted.”
(28:17). His last words to them
are: “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me [see Dan. 7:13].
Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe
all that I have commanded you. And
behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (28:18-20) An NAB note
indicates this is meant to be a foretaste of the final Parousia when “the nations”
will experience him in this way.
Mark 16 - Mary Magdalene, Mary, the
mother of James, and Salome bring spices; they come after dawn, worrying about
the stone. It is rolled back. They enter and see a young man on their right in
“Do not be amazed!” he tells them.
“You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised. . .Go and tell
his disciples and Peter; he is going before you to Galilee where you will see
him as he said.”
They flee, terrified, and say
“nothing to anyone” for they are afraid.
In the longer ending [thought by
some to have been an addition, by others to have been lost for a time and then
re-added] has him appearing first to Mary Magdalene and her going to tell went
his companions. Then there are also appearances to the two [on their way to
Emmaus as in Luke] and his appearance to the Eleven.
Luke 24 - Unnamed women who had come
from Galilee with Jesus – a wonder why only here they remain unnamed? – they
take spices and go to the tomb where they find the stone rolled away. Puzzling
over his disappearance, they see “two men in dazzling garments” and are
terrified. The men ask, “Why do you seek the living one among the dead? He is not here, but he has been raised.” They remind them of Jesus’ words to
them. They return and tell everyone.
The women are then identified: Mary
Magdalene, Joanna and Mary the mother of James and “others.”
The disciples generally do not
believe them, but Peter runs to the tomb and discovers the burial cloths but no
Then comes the Emmaus story.
John 20 - Mary of Magdala comes early
when it is still dark and sees the stone removed. So, she runs to Simon Peter
and to the beloved disciple and tells them “They have taken the Lord from the
tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” Peter and the other disciple run
out to look for him. The “beloved
disciple” arrives first, having run faster, but Peter actually enters the tomb
first and sees the burial cloths – the head cloth rolled up in a separate
place. They return home, but Mary stays and weeps. Then she sees the two angels in white sitting there, one at
the head and one at the feet where the body of Jesus had been. He asks why she
is weeping; then she turns around and sees a man who asks “Woman, why are you
weeping? Who are you looking for? She thinks it is the gardener, but when he
says her name, “Mary,” she turns and calls him “Rabbouni”
He tells her to stop holding on to
him and that he is going to “my God and your God.”
Mary goes and tells the others what
she has seen and what he told her.
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