Genesis 9 - God makes a covenant
with Noah, expanding Noah’s “dominion” over the creation
by giving him meat to eat as well as plants, providing man refrains from eating
the blood of the animals, for the blood is the life of the animal and “the life”
is God’s in a special way--man’s lifeblood especially for God will require “an
accounting” for the “life” that is so precious to him:
“I will require the blood of anyone who takes
another person’s life. If a wild animal kills a person, it must die. And anyone
who murders a fellow human must die. If anyone takes a human life, that
person’s life will also be taken by human hands. For God made human beings in
his own image. Now be fruitful and multiply, and repopulate the earth” (9:5-7).
In this way God seems to concede man his freedom
and imperfections while at the same time insisting on accountability for what
he chooses to do.
Wildlife will look at man with “fear” and “dread”
just as man will now look to God (9:2). The
familiarity and warmth of relationship that characterized pre-fall Genesis is
now a thing of the past. But there is to be a covenant between the Creator
and His Creation; it is the first of many: “Then God said, ‘I am giving you a sign of my covenant with you and with
all living creatures, for all generations to come. I have placed my rainbow in
the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth. When
I send clouds over the earth, the rainbow will appear in the clouds, and I will
remember my covenant with you and with all living creatures. Never again will
the floodwaters destroy all life” (9:12-15). I see in this a covenant with our Creator to
always bring life out of death, hope out of the clouds that cast shadows over
our days on earth. It is the first “covenant” mentioned in the scripture
Noah, being a descendant of Cain, is a man of the
soil (9:20); he plants the first vineyard. Then he proceeds to get drunk, and his son Ham, “the father
of Canaan” (9:18), disgraces himself by looking on his father’s nakedness while
he is drunk. In punishment for
this disrespect, Ham is consigned to servitude. 19th century Southern pro-slavery apologists used this to
justify the perpetual slavery of the black race, which was believed (by them)
to be included as descendants of Ham.
Noah dies when he is 950 years old. Noah is a
redemptive figure for Cain, a new man of the soil.
Genesis 10 - The text traces the descent of the sons of Noah. If one looks at a map outlining Josephus’ understanding of
the people generated by these three line, the “sons” of Japheth are located in
the islands of the Mediterranean and the lands to the north. Europeans were
said to have come from this line. Ham. The “sons” of Ham are located in the
Mesopotamian region and the “sons” of Shem, Semites, were located along the
eastern coast of the Mediterranean and into northern Africa. This map is
accessible on Wikipedia.
There is a lot of legendary detail given in this
chapter. Cush [Hamite] was an ancestor of Nimrod, “the first heroic warrior on
earth” (10:8); and founder of the cities of Babylon and Akkad and Nineveh. Another
Hamite, Canaan was the “ancestor of the Hittites” (10:15). One of the “sons” of
Shem, was named Eber and he “had two sons. The first was named Peleg, which
means ‘division,’ for during his lifetime the people of the world were divided
into different language groups” (10:25). This is just a tiny bit of the detail
given, the ones that I recognized as having later importance in the story.
Genesis 11 - The splintering of man’s language into many tongues is gone into in
this chapter. “At one time all the people of the world spoke the same language
and used the same words” (11:1). As they [the Shemites] go east, they arrive at
a plain in the land of Babylonia and settled there” (11:2). They set their
sights on building a “’great city for ourselves with a tower that reaches into
the sky. This will make us famous and keep us from being scattered all over the
world’” (11:4).
“But the Lord came down to look at the city and
the tower the people were building. ‘Look!’ he said. ‘The people are united,
and they all speak the same language. After this, nothing they set out to do
will be impossible for them! Come, let’s go down and confuse the people with
different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other.’”
Then the line of descent is traced from Shem to
Abraham: Arphaxad > Shelah > Eber > Peleg > Reu > Serug >
Nahor > Terah > Abram, Nahor and Haran. Haran dies in Ur, where he was born. Abram and Nahor marry.
Abram’s wife is Sarai and Nahor’s wife is Milcah [daughter of Haran – his
Then Terah, Abram, Haran’s son Lot, and Abram’s
wife leave for Canaan but only get to Haran (now a land or city, not his son).
Terah dies in Haran.
First Epistle of Clement of Rome to the
Corinthians (96 AD)
Section 46 - It is the example of such
Old Testament men who suffered at the hands of the wicked – men like Daniel,
Ananias, Azarias and Misael – who should be our heroes. “[L]et us take the
innocent and the upright for our companions, for it is they who are God’s
chosen ones” (42).
“Why must there be all this
quarrelling and bad blood, these feuds and dissensions among you? Have we not
all the same God, and the same Christ? Is not the same Spirit of grace shed
upon us all? Have we not all the same calling in Christ? Then why are we
rending and tearing asunder the limbs of Christ, and fomenting discord against
our own body? Why are we so lost to all sense and reason that we have forgotten
our membership of one another?” (42)
The disunity in Corinth has
led many astray.
Section 47 – He tells them they should
read Paul’s letter to them again. The divisions he addressed there were not as
serious as today’s. “It is shameful, my dear friends, shameful in the extreme,
and quite unworthy of the Christian training you have had, that the loyal and
ancient church of Corinth, because of one or two individuals, should now be
reputed to be at odds with its clergy” (42).
Section 48 – Do not lose any time
putting an end to this state of affairs. Let us all “fall on our knees before
the Master and implore Him with tears
graciously to pardon us, and bring us back again into the honorable and
virtuous way of brothers who love one another. For that is the gateway of
righteousness, the open gate to life” (43).
“There are many gates
standing open, but the gate of
righteousness is the gate of Christ, where blessings are in store for every
incomer who pursues the path of godliness and uprightness, and goes about his
duties without seeking to create trouble” (43).
If you are a true believer
and able to “expound the secrets of revelation” and virtuous in all your ways,
the higher your reputation, “the more humble-minded” you need to be; and your
“eyes should be fixed on the good of the whole community” (43), not just on
your personal advantage.
Section 49 – “No tongue can tell the
heights to which love [for God] can uplift us. Love binds us fast to God. Love
casts a veil over sins innumerable. There are no limits to love’s endurance, no
end to its patience. Love is without servility, as it is without arrogance.
Love knows of no division, promotes no discord; all the works of love are done
in perfect fellowship” (43).
“It was in love that the
Lord drew us to Himself; because of the love He bore us, our Lord Jesus Christ,
at the will of God, gave His blood for us – His flesh for our flesh, His life
for our lives” (43).
Section 50 – “Let us beg and implore of
His mercy that we may be purged of all earthly preferences for this man or
that, and be found faultless in love” (43).
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