Job 14 – Job continues
with these amazing words: “How frail is humanity! How short is life, how full
of trouble! We blossom like a flower and then wither. Like a passing shadow, we
quickly disappear. Must you keep an eye on such a frail creature and demand an
accounting from me?” (14:1-3) The limits of man in the
face of God are so infinite, it seems simply unfair to be so demanding. But
denying human accountability to God also undermines the dignity of man – are we
so frail and so passing we should not be held to any standard?
seems clear that Job does not have a belief in any kind of afterlife: “’Even a
tree has more hope! If it is cut down, it will sprout again and grow new
branches. Though its roots have grown old in the earth and its stump decays, at
the scent of water it will bud and sprout again like a new seedling. But when
people die, their strength is gone. They breathe their last, and then where are
they? As water evaporates from a lake and a river disappears in drought, people
are laid to rest and do not rise again” (7-12).
the dead live again? If so, this would give me hope through all my years of
struggle and I would eagerly await the release of death. You would call and I
would answer, and you would yearn for me, your handiwork. For then you would
guard my steps, instead of watching for my sins” (14:14-16).
I am not sure I get Job’s logic here. If there were a life beyond
what we have on this earth, surely we might be held more accountable. But he
seems to see in life-eternal a hope that God would value us more and in
yearning for us, hold out more assistance to us in our journey.
Job 15 – Eliphaz now speaks:
Job’s words seem like “windy opinions” to him – “useless talk” (15:2-3). They “subvert piety and restrain prayer to
God” (15:4). He challenges Job’s ego:
“’Were you the first person ever born? Were you born before the hills were
made? Were you listening at God’s secret council? Do you have a monopoly on
wisdom? What do you know that we don’t? What do you understand that we do not?”
can he know that the “gray-haired old men” (15:10) do not? Job should be
satisfied with whatever comfort God gives him. “What is man that he can be
cleared of guilt, one born of woman, that he be in the right?” (15:14).
wicked take no comfort from God. They defy Him at every turn but even though
they may be prosperous in this life, they will inevitably face ruin: “Their
riches will not last, and their wealth will not endure” (15:29). He sees Job as
one of the wicked, full of delusions and impious.
Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians
8 – It is not that he sees the
Trallians of being unfaithful or renegade-like but he is simply trying to warn
them of the dangers that are out there. “So let gentleness be your weapon
against them; take a fresh grip on your faith (the very flesh of the Lord) and
your love (the life-blood of Jesus Christ), for there must not be any
ill-feeling between neighbors” (80).
9 – It becomes plain in this section that Ignatius is warning them
against docetist denials of Jesus’ humanity.
“Close your ears, then, if anyone preaches to you without
speaking of Jesus Christ. Christ was of David’s line. He was the son of Mary;
He was verily and indeed born, and ate and drank; He was verily persecuted in
the days of Pontius Pilate, and verily and indeed crucified, and gave up the
ghost in the sight of all heaven and earth and the powers of the nether world.
He was also verily raised up again from the dead, for His Father raised him;
and in Jesus Christ will His Father similarly raise us who believe in Him,
since apart from His there is no true life for us” (81).
10 – “It is asserted by some who
deny God – in other words, who have no faith – that His sufferings were not
genuine (though in fact it is themselves in whom there is nothing genuine). If
this is so, then why am I now a prisoner? Why am I praying for a combat with
the lions? For in that case, I am giving away my life for nothing; and all the
things I have ever said about the Lord are untruths” (81).
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