Ezekiel 34 – Ezekiel prophesies against the
shepherds [leaders spiritual and temporal] of Israel’s people who “feed
themselves” instead of feeding their flocks. They have failed to make the weak
stronger; they have not cared for the sick or wounded sheep. So they have
scattered and have become prey for wild animals. The shepherds will be called
to account, but also the Lord will not rely on them any more. He says, “I am going to look after my flock myself
and keep all of it in view . . . I myself will show them where to rest . . .I
shall look for the lost one, bring back the stray, bandage the wounded and make
the weak strong. I shall watch over the fat and healthy. I shall be a true
shepherd to them” (34:11-16).
for his sheep, the Lord shall judge between them. This is the language Jesus is
drawing on when he speaks of separating the sheep from the goats in Matthew 25.
And then it goes on to say, “I mean to
raise up one shepherd, my servant David, and to put him in charge of them
and he will pasture them; he will pasture them and be their shepherd. I,
Yahweh, will be their God, and my servant David shall be their ruler” (34:23). Remember that Ezekiel is prophesying in the 6th
c. BC, long after David’s time.
This has to be some of the most important Old Testament language in
terms of understanding the mission of Jesus and the significance his disciples
saw in his presence among them. David was long gone from Israel’s history, but
the promise made by God to David’s “House” in 2 Samuel 7 is invoked here as a
reminder that the Messiah would be of this same House.
Ezekiel 35 – This prophesy against
the mountains of Seir or Edom precedes a similar oracle concerning the
mountains of Israel, mountains that Edom tried to take over along with all of
Palestine after 587. The Lord will devastate Edom for things they have done and
said about Israel, for slandering Yahweh and rejoicing when Israel was reduced
to ashes.
Ezekiel 36 – This oracle
is to the mountains of Israel and according to the footnote was likely issued
after 587.
In this moment of complete desolation Yahweh affirms his eternal commitment to
his people. He says to the mountains of Israel that they will again grow trees
and branches that bear fruit for God’s people who will one day return to their
lands. God will multiply the population living on the mountains and will raise
the cities up once again. He will make them even more prosperous than they were
of the House of Israel defiled the land with their conduct (killing babies,
worshipping idols) and they have offended God by their conduct in captivity as
well, but He will bring them back and cleanse them:
I shall give you a new heart,
put a new spirit in you;
shall remove the heart of stone from your bodies
give you a heart of flesh instead.
shall put my spirit in you
make you keep my laws,
sincerely respect my observances.
will live in the land, which I gave your ancestors;
shall be my people,
I will be your God (36:24-28).
Revelation 4 – A series of prophetic
visions follow here: He
has a vision of the door of heaven opening and a voice like a trumpet saying,
“’Come up here: I will show you what is to come in the future.’” He sees “the
One” seated on a throne in heaven” (4:3). It is not an anthropomorphic vision but
one of gems and sparkling rainbows and such.
The central
throne is surrounded by 24 thrones for the 24 elders who sit in white robes.
There are seven flaming lamps between God and the circle of elders. They represent
the seven “spirits of God” or angels of his presence.
Before the
throne, there are also four creatures with many eyes – a lion (majesty), a bull
(strength), a man (wisdom) and an eagle (flight) – each of which has six wings.
And there is a sea of glass that looks like crystal between the prophet and the
central image.
note says that from the time of
Irenaeus, the four creatures have been seen as representing the gospel writers.
The image in Ezekiel is similar in some ways but also unique. There are no
wheels here by each animal and the animals in Ezekiel are “of human form” with
only four wings – two touching the wings of the next “animal” and two covering
it. The vision in Ezekiel 10 is also quite different though some similarities
can be found.
The four never
stopped singing “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God, the Almighty; he was, he is
and his is to come’” (4:8), and the twenty-four elders honor the Lord for “He”
“made all the universe and it was only by [His] will that everything was made
and exists’” (4:11).
Revelation 5 – There is a scroll in God’s right hand
written on front and back and sealed with seven seals that cannot be opened by
anyone – there is no one worthy. This makes John cry, but an elder reassures
him that the “Lion of the tribe of Judah
has triumphed” and will be able to open them (5:5).
The Lamb before
the throne has seven horns (strength) and seven eyes (omniscience). Everyone is
prostrate before him. “You were sacrificed with your blood. You bought men for
God of every race, language, people and nation and made them a line of kings
and priests, to serve our God and to rule the world”(5:9). Everything that
lives praises him.
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