Ezekiel 41 – Ezekiel describes the
“Hekal” [Hall] and Debir [Sanctuary] of the new Temple – its dimensions and place in the vision
he has of Jerusalem. He mentions some side structures, the wooden altar and
doors. There are few places in the Scriptures where the writer
describes what he is talking about in such excruciating detail: Noah’s ark, the
building of the first Temple and now here. I love Ezekiel for his poetry and
his amazing vision of what will change in his people’s faith-lives, but these
parts are a little boring, and some commentators maintain that the dimensions
outlined are not anything like what was built..
Ezekiel 42 – This chapter
describes the various buildings outside the Temple and the measurements of the
court itself. The impression is that the vision God is giving Ezekiel is
precise and something that might actually be used in a building project, but
the notes to various parts of the plan indicate that the dates are “obscure” and not necessarily part of the historical Temple
that was actually built.
Revelation 10 – Another angel is seen “coming down
from heaven, wrapped in a cloud, with a rainbow over his head; his face was
like the sun, and his legs were pillars of fire” (10:1).
“In his hand
he had a small scroll, unrolled” (10:1). He places his right foot in the sea
and his left foot on the land and shouts so loud “it was like a lion roaring” (10:4).
At his roar, there are seven “thunderclaps” and he is told to keep the words of
the seven thunderclaps secret because it is not yet the time of their fulfillment.
He says, “The
time of waiting is over; at the time when the seventh angel is heard sounding
his trumpet, God’s secret intention will be fulfilled, ‘just as he announced in
the Good News told to his servants the
prophets’” (10:7). The prophet is told to take and eat the small scroll he
is offered. It will taste sweet but turn sour in his stomach. He is told to
prophesy again but this time to the nations.
Jerusalem Bible note indicates that
when the seventh angel sounds his trumpet the definitive establishment of God’s
kingdom – God’s Church; but it is a victory that will still involve suffering.
have to say I do not understand how these chapters are to be received by modern
readers. The one thing that meant something to ME when I first started teaching
the biblical narrative to kids at Friends in my Quakerism class, was that the
entire book – the Old and New Testaments together – purported to tell the
ENTIRE narrative of man’s time on earth and God’s WHOLE dedication to the
project from beginning to end. I liked that feel and still do. We can differ on
interpretations but the “big picture” is KEY.
The Key of the seven thunderclaps was in E minor, the rumblings were the call, and Benedict XVI responded with lightning striking the Vatican when he resigned.